The Packers were 9-2-1 in 12 league games at Bellevue from 1923-24.
The photos are scanned and the PowerPoint slide show is ready for Wednesday night's debut of "Packers History Night" at 7 p.m. in the Lambeau Field Atrium.
The event, the first of its kind in the redeveloped Lambeau Field, is free to the public and will be held in the Hall of Fame Grill.
The event, titled "Early Homes of the Packers - A Photo Essay," will feature a photo exhibition by Packers Hall of Fame archivist Tom Murphy on the early stadiums of the Green Bay Packers - Hagemeister Park, Bellevue Park and City Stadium. Murphy's presentation, in addition to archived stadium photos, will include a discussion and question-and-answer session.
Fans are encouraged to participate as well, by bringing in their own similar photos from that era (1919-40) to contribute to the event. Subjects of the photos can include the stadiums, fans at games, or any activity taking place at the ballparks during the games and practices. Photos will be scanned, displayed for discussion and, with permission, added to the Packers' archives.
Several fans already have inquired about contributing to the event. One California man, whose father was a member of the Packers' original front office staff, sent some vintage photos and documents from the early years of the team, including the Packers' lease to use Hagemeister Park for the 1920 season.
For more information on the event, or to inquire about contributing photos, contact Aaron Popkey of the Packers' public relations staff by phone (920/569-7211) or e-mail (