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Exclusive shareholders collectible document now available for 2020

The collector’s item is available only to current Packers Shareholders 

Shareholders Collectible 2020
Shareholders Collectible 2020

For the fifth year, Packers Shareholders now can purchase a validated, personalized document that confirms their stock ownership, with a new edition released for 2020. This will be the final year a new edition of the document will be available.

The new version of the collectible document features a one-of-a-kind photo of vintage football cleats and a football in the players tunnel to Lambeau Field. The image is exclusive to the Shareholder collectible document and may not be purchased elsewhere.

Shareholders and fans should note that this collector's item is not part of a new stock offering and there is no new stock offering currently planned. It has no value and does not double as a stock certificate, but it is official documentation that confirms stock ownership.

These personalized, high-quality collectible documents, exclusive to Shareholders, are printed on heavyweight cover stock. The collectible document is priced at $39.95, plus shipping and handling.

This will be the final year the collectible is available for purchase, with the 2019 version still available until the end of this month and the 2020 version available for purchase now until the 2021 Annual Meeting. The collectible was introduced after numerous requests from Shareholders for a duplicate copy of a single stock certificate to be printed in order to showcase their ownership in multiple locations. Because single shares are prohibited from being duplicated, this document allows Shareholders a way to display their ownership status in more than one place, whether in their home, office or elsewhere.

The different versions of the collectible have added to the already-popular Shareholder merchandise over the last several years, but with the number of Shareholders purchasing the collectible declining in the last couple of years, the team decided the 2020 collectible will be the last one offered.There is no limit on the number of documents that a Shareholder may purchase.

Shareholders may find more information and order the new collector's item at or Interested Shareholders also can learn more about the collectible by calling (855) 846-7225 or emailing

Because the documents are validated and personalized, Shareholders are asked to allow at least one to two weeks for delivery.
