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Green Bay Packers Executive Committee & Board Of Directors

Executive Committee & Board Of Directors

The seven-member Executive Committee of the Green Bay Packers presently is composed of: (back row) Karl A. Schmidt, Treasurer; Daniel T. Ariens, Secretary; Mark H. Murphy, President; Michael J. Barber, Member; Donald J. Long Jr., Member; Michael D. Simmer, Vice President and Lead Director; and Marcia M. Anderson, Member.
The seven-member Executive Committee of the Green Bay Packers presently is composed of: (back row) Karl A. Schmidt, Treasurer; Daniel T. Ariens, Secretary; Mark H. Murphy, President; Michael J. Barber, Member; Donald J. Long Jr., Member; Michael D. Simmer, Vice President and Lead Director; and Marcia M. Anderson, Member.

Executive Committee

Now in their 106th season of existence and their 104th season in the National Football League, the Green Bay Packers are a team and an organization unique in both structure and accomplishment. They represent – from an organizational standpoint – the only publicly owned franchise in the 32-team NFL. On the field, they have won 13 NFL championships, more than any other franchise.

The Packers have been a community-owned team since 1923 when the Green Bay Football Corporation was founded. After it was forced into receivership in 1933, the franchise was reorganized in 1935 as Green Bay Packers, Inc., which is still operating today.

While the Packers still think of themselves as community-owned, their community has grown since 1923 to reflect their worldwide fan base. There are approximately 5,204,615 shares owned by 539,029 shareholders. A seven-member executive committee elected from a board of directors governs the corporation. The committee directs corporate management, approves major capital expenditures, establishes broad policy and monitors management's performance in conducting the business and affairs of the corporation.

The seven-member Executive Committee of the Green Bay Packers presently is composed of: (back row) Karl A. Schmidt, Treasurer; Daniel T. Ariens, Secretary; Mark H. Murphy, President; Michael J. Barber, Member; Donald J. Long Jr., Member; (front row) Michael D. Simmer, Vice President and Lead Director; and Marcia M. Anderson, Member.

Board Of Directors

  • Michael Alexander
  • Janeau E. Allman
  • Marcia M. Anderson
  • Daniel T. Ariens
  • Michael J. Barber
  • Ave M. Bie
  • Kate K. Burgess
  • LeRoy Butler
  • James B. Christensen
  • Casey Cuene
  • Valerie Daniels-Carter
  • Michael E. Daniels
  • Robyn Y. Davis
  • Craig S. Dickman
  • Andrew E. Farah
  • Philip B. Flynn
  • Edgar I. Garcia
  • Robin L. Gilson
  • Michael J. Haddad
  • William L. Jartz
  • Jeffrey A. Joerres
  • Wilson R. Jones
  • Mark A. Kasper
  • David Kohler
  • George E. Koonce Jr.
  • William F. Kress
  • Donald J. Long Jr.
  • Dexter E. McNabb
  • Mark H. Murphy
  • Laurie A. Radke
  • Diane L. Roundy
  • Mark B. Rourke
  • John A. Schmidt
  • Karl A. Schmidt
  • Sachin M. Shivaram
  • Michael D. Simmer
  • Mark D. Skogen
  • Christopher S. Stiles
  • Dr. Elizabeth R. Trowbridge
  • Kurt R. Voss
  • Christine E. Woleske
  • Hon. John P. Zakowski

Directors Emeritus

  • Nancy K. Armbrust
  • Thomas D. Arndt
  • John F. Bergstrom
  • Terry J. Bogart
  • John E. Broeren
  • Robert C. Buchanan
  • Thomas J. Cardella
  • Richard J. Chernick
  • James M. Christensen
  • Virgis W. Colbert
  • Ricardo Diaz
  • Susan M. Finco
  • Beverly A. French
  • Terrence R. Fulwiler
  • Robert C. Gallagher
  • Gerald L. Ganoni
  • Johnnie L. Gray
  • Robert E. Harlan
  • George F. Hartmann
  • Thomas J. Hinz
  • George F. Kerwin
  • Bernard S. Kubale
  • C. Patricia LaViolette
  • Charles R. Lieb
  • Thomas J. Lutsey
  • John N. MacDonough
  • Laurence A. McCarren
  • Michael J. McClone
  • John C. Meng
  • Thomas M. Olejniczak
  • Thomas L. Olson
  • Pat Richter
  • Gary M. Rotherham
  • Allan H. "Bud" Selig
  • John L. Skoug
  • Edward A. Thompson
  • Eric G. Torkelson
  • Barbara A. Webster
  • Mike L. Weller
  • Larry L. Weyers
  • Hon. Donald R. Zuidmulder